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Found 122 results for any of the keywords in parapsychology. Time 0.007 seconds.
Major Topics in Parapsychology
Parapsychological Education Centre - PPRIParapsychological Education Centre offers credible parapsychology courses, a social science focusing on ESP, psychokinesis consciousness.
Psychic - WikipediaThe results of the analysis of the predictions found that psychics were correct 11% of the time, wrong 35% of the time, and that some predictions were too vague to characterize (19%) or the predicted outcome was so obvio
Research and Resources - PPRIPPRI studies parapsychological phenomena our research endeavours to deepen the understanding, thereby increasing public awareness.
Psychokinesis PowersLearn everything about Psychokinesis, its types, applications and parapsychology topics.
The Parapsychological AssociationThe website of the Parapsychological Association, a professional organization of scientists and scholars engaged in the study of psi (or psychic ) experiences, and a resource for those interested in the study of parapsy
Educational Initiatives - PPRIIt s imperative to provide accurate, scientific, and up-to-date information in a field marred by misinformation, fraud, and ethical lapses.
No is a platform where people connect globally for online one-to-one psychic readings, spiritual advice, and shopping for products. We offer a safe space where you can be your true self. It's a place to u
Ullman on DreamsThe following article is based on a lecture presented by Montague Ullman, M.D., at the Exceptional Human Experiences conference held in New York City, June 13, 1993. It was published in the ASPR Newsletter. The News
gatherings | Fringe SocietyThe Fringe Society idea of a book club, with an emphasis on sharing digital resources and talking about classics of a Fringe nature.
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